WOOOO so today's weird-ass holiday is BAD POETRY DAY! Now I don't have a theme post for this, but I COULD post some of my old poetry because lord knows that shit is HORRIBLE. However, I am certainly not going to embarrass myself, nor horrify you by posting a few. You'll just have to write your OWN shitty poetry, or look around for some. That can't be too hard of a search these days >,> In fact, if you really want shitty poetry why not check the lyrics of ANY emo song???! The shit is like it's written by some angsty middle-schooler. That's when I wrote all of MINE hahahah ^_^'
Seeing as apparantly I have turned this into EMO DAY, let us all hop over to Asylum for
"The Guy's Guide To Guyliner." Do yourself a favor, men, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE MAKEUP. GOOD LORD, nobody but preteen girls like boys who wear makeup (see "punk pop" bands like Good Charlotte *shudder*)