Tuesday, August 19, 2008

This Time A Giant Cow

So by accident it seems I'm making a lot of posts about COWS today. NO I don't have a cow fetish and no I am not a cowgirl. ANYWAY. Now that I've shown you a bull with huge horns and a mini cow, it's time for ENORMOUS COW (R) XD. Anyway though, this cow's name is Chilli and he's a British Friesian AND IS 6 FOOT DAMNED 6. He lives at the Ferne Animal Sanctuary in Chard, Somerset, where he was abandoned as a baby nine years ago.



Nothing needs to really be said here does it? I mean, it's a freaking MINI. COW. I think it's time for a new super hero :O Just.... I'm amazed. I want one.

via Slashfood, they have more details and stuff, but I was more interested in the fact that it's a damn mini cow than the fact that it's good for the environment or whatever they said about it.

Feeling a Little Horny XD

This Watusi bull named Lurch lives at the Rocky Ridge Refuge in the Ozarks. The horns are 7 feet 6 inches tip-to-tip and each weigh around 100 pounds. Talk about horny XD

Article: THV Extra
More Pics: Mekt

Droste Effect

Droste Effect- "a Dutch term for a specific kind of recursive picture[1], one that in heraldry is termed mise en abyme. An image exhibiting the Droste effect depicts a smaller version of itself in a place where a similar picture would realistically be expected to appear. This smaller version then depicts an even smaller version of itself in the same place, and so on"

Image: http://www.cwrl.utexas.edu/~schacht/rhe309k/lukefuszard/intro.html

Self Defense Umbrella

Defense Umbrella
90-180 damage
requires (age) level 70
super effective on burglars, young punks
equipped mostly by females


Please Don't Use This As An Excuse to Sexually Harass Women

I don't know what to say, honestly.

picture: August 2008 Harper's Magazine

Tasting the Imperial March

There are some people called synaesthetes who TASTE musical notes :O. Someone described what it was like to this guy, Professor Funk, and he has thus gone on to test out what it would be like using the Imperial March. This is really interesting.

via Of Two Minds

SoHo Apple Store Bothering The Crap Out Of Residents

SOOO, apparently the SoHo Apple store is in realllly bad terms with the nearby residents, who are damn pissed. I think Apple totally deserves to get yelled at, I freaking hate the company. ANYWAY, their latest misdemeanor was the Jonas Brothers concert on August 12 and according to a complaint by a resident, "thousands of young teenage girls...screamed incessantly on the street for hours for their idols, blocking traffic, injuring one resident in the rush, and inconveniencing scores of other people and businesses." I can't STAND girly squeals. CAN'T STAND IT. Ironically, I myself do it sometimes, but at least I know when to stop. UGH. You know you hate it too when there's a bunch of girls who meet up who like haven't seen each other in a while so they're SCREEEECHING like freaking bats and going "OHMIGOD YOU LOOK SOOO GOODDDDDDDD DID YOU GET YOUR NOSE DONE DID YOU GET A TAAN NYAHH NYAAHH?!?!?!". Who knew humans could go that high pitched >,>

article from Curbed via Gizmodo

Monday, August 18, 2008

Avian Cannibalism?!

Has anyone ever known a pelican to eat another bird?!?! I thought they only ate fish :O This is both creepy, but hilarious because the pigeon like WON'T die and gets stuck in its throat and wiggles the pelican all around from the inside. XD


Sail Skating FTW!

This guy David Guillot created a hand-held land sail that can be used to propel a skate or snowboard, which is freaking awesome. He's selling them online for $60 right now *sad sad* but he's also put online a how-to so you can make one yourself with tarp, duct tape, and fiberglass poles!

Sail Skating
via Complex Blog

120 GIG!?!?!!?!?

WHO NEEDS THAT MUCH MUSIC OMFG. O_O I have a custom 80 gig Zune that I lOOOoooOve and I am still FAR from filling it up. I have soo much music on it, I still haven't ever listened to most of the music on it and my headphones are always attached to my ears :O

Gizmodo via I Started Something

Kirk's Command Chair Replica

Be the "commander" of the house with this awesome Star Trek replica chair. You know you want it, Trekkies. The original chair was already sold for $304,750 back in 2001 but now they're making repical chairs that you only need $1-2,000 for.

Retro Thing via Trek Movie

Duster Druggie

I can't believe she does this constantly. Like, all the time, unless she's sleeping or out on her drug run. Watching people do drugs scares me and freaks me out. This girl needs to be slapped and put into rehab, srsly.

The Yes Dance

WTF of the day. Very amusing, slightly disturbing. KIKI STOP YOU'RE YESSING TOO HARD!

A Wild Bagpipe Appeared!

So because I can and because my friend has a total bagpipe fetish I'm going to post these bagpipes. They aren't from Scotland either which is strange but yeah :O

via Things You Wouldn't Know If We Didn't Blog It

How To Trash Talk Athletes in Chinese

You know, just in case you're ever competing in the Olympics, or in China at all for that matter and you want to be an asshole. And apparently trash talking your opponent is huge in China and Olympic Officials want them to clean up their acts :O

Landscape Head

The Netherlands' Levi van Veluw turns his own head into various landscapes, as well as doodles on himself with ballpoint pen!! Really cool stuff, go check it out here

via Behance Network

Jesus Christ Is That A Coat Hanger?!

I don't know whether a Christian would LIKE this, or be scandalized by it, but who cares. ^__^ Christ Crucifixion coat hanger via I Love Bad Things

Sophisticated Side Ponytail

Now for some music!! Natalie Portman's Shaved Head - Sophisticated Side Ponytail

La Vie Des Animaux Selon Les Hommes

Silly French, impersonating animals :O. It's kinda really funny though ^_^. Enjoy

via The Underdog Victorious

Bad Poetry Day or Emo Poetry Day, There Really Isn't Much of a Difference

WOOOO so today's weird-ass holiday is BAD POETRY DAY! Now I don't have a theme post for this, but I COULD post some of my old poetry because lord knows that shit is HORRIBLE. However, I am certainly not going to embarrass myself, nor horrify you by posting a few. You'll just have to write your OWN shitty poetry, or look around for some. That can't be too hard of a search these days >,> In fact, if you really want shitty poetry why not check the lyrics of ANY emo song???! The shit is like it's written by some angsty middle-schooler. That's when I wrote all of MINE hahahah ^_^'

Seeing as apparantly I have turned this into EMO DAY, let us all hop over to Asylum for "The Guy's Guide To Guyliner." Do yourself a favor, men, PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE MAKEUP. GOOD LORD, nobody but preteen girls like boys who wear makeup (see "punk pop" bands like Good Charlotte *shudder*)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tees of the Day

Who said you couldn't be tough and drink tea? Mr. T tea shirt (hahaha t-tea-tee puns XD) for £20.00 @ Tea and Toast

I love this new shirt at Johnny Cupcakes. Perfect for back to school, this is probably my favorite Cupcake shirt. $35.99 (expensive, damn!) @ Johnny Cupcakes

All shirts via Hide Your Arms

No Homo

So apparently this phrase "no homo" which I've never even HEARD of before has been hot all over the internet and IRL for like the last 5 years. I don't know HOW I haven't seen this or heard this before seeing as I am pretty much non-existent off of the internet (I am ALWAYS online). I mean I was pretty late on "rick-rolling" too. Where the hell are these things??? Where are they so constant that everyone has seen them and I haven't??

via Certified Random

Men's Grooming Day

So today is Men's Grooming Day, and what better to celebrate it with than an Instructable for wet shaving? One of my friends told me he was kind of into this, so it's partially a dedication to him as well.

Wet Shaving For the Common Man

picture: Adventures in Wet Shaving

Ice Men

Brazilian artist Nele Azevedo did a really cool installation piece where she made little men out of ice

For more pictures go here

via Stuff That Is Relevant

Well Technically

This isn't something from a blog. I don't even remember how I ended up looking this up. ANYWAY. I just though I would educate the general public that the big "indie hit" Napoleon Dynamite, which everyone thought was OH-SO-FUNNY was written by a married Midwestern Mormon couple: Jared and Jershua Hess. It's just not something you see every day. Mormons writing a hit "comedy." Nothing against Mormons mind you! I'd just have expected it to be written by the type of funky, oddish person like the one who wrote Juno. Right. >.>

Photo via greg.org


HAHAHA kind of funny how the only time I've ever gone "first" was a first post on my own blog. I always see that stuff and go, uhm wow, that's kind of lame and definitely forum spam. I don't know. I'm starting this as a link blog, but it might turn into a mix of things. Will anyone read this? probably not. Who cares though. So I intend to post stuff here that I find while looking at the zillions of blogs I read that are in my favorites. Checking my blog and webcomic updates daily takes me AT LEAST 2 HOURS. Whaetever, anyway, enjoy ghost readers.